Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Little Blessings

Ems here--

It crossed my mind recently that I can often remember to be grateful to God for the BIG blessings in my life: children, husband, shelter, health etc.  However, there are so many small, daily blessings that I just take for granted that really need to be acknowledged.  This is my forum to do such. Feel free to add your own!

Thank you, Lord, for:

10.  Electric blankets. Their snuggly warm properties have enabled me to brave the sickeningly frigid winter.

9.  Baby formula.  Although I have successfully nursed 3 (#4,5,6) babies to a year, my first 3 boys were extremely difficult and I had to use formula. Additionally, Simona decided to quit nursing cold turkey at 7 months, and it was so wonderful just to be able to buy formula that can meet her nutritional needs.  No wet nurse needed.

8.  Technology. I'm so grateful I was born in this century. God knows I am too wussy to have been a pioneer woman.  So, for the Kindle, the television, the DVR, the iPhone, the washing machine, the dishwasher, the KitchenAid mixer, and the computer, I am continually and eternally grateful.

7. Hair dye.  I feel so much happier when I'm blonde.

Yes, that is me, pre-babies. I had just started to rock the blonde hair--and look how much fun I was having!

6.  Hospitals. The fact that we have places to go when we are ill or hurt is really miraculous. Even though a trip to the ER is usually a miserable experience, remembering how blessed we are to have such a place should carry us through the 4 hour wait.

5.  Libraries.  Jules has talked about this before, but I wanted to officially agree on the awesomeness of these institutions.

4. Chocolate. Can you believe there was a time when chocolate wasn't readily available?? I'm so glad I wasn't born yet. Swiss Miss gets me through many a rough patch, and chocolate chip cookies are part of my food pyramid.

3. Diapers (disposable). Poop happens. How nice we can clean it up, throw it out, and move on. I love you, Luvs.

2.  Grocery stores. Packaged food, fruits and veggies, freezer sections--we are wealthy!

1.  No salmonella poisoning, considering the massive quantities of raw cookie dough and cake batter that I  (and my children) have consumed over the years.

Easy Rule #1788:  Since it's the small things that get us through the day, let's not forget to celebrate them!


  1. I can't believe no one commented on your gorgeousness in that picture. You are a hottie :)

  2. I fully agree with the gorgeousness comment, although I think you're still gorgeous, so nothing new there. Must be the blonde hair!

    I think this entire article is genius. Some of us were not meant to be Ma Ingalls. How she did it all with no chocolate is beyond me.

    1. Aw shucks, Cindy :) thanks! And the Lord knows I wouldn't have survived a winter on the prairie.
