Friday, August 8, 2014

Expose! Shhhhh!! Don't tell Jules!!

Ems here:

Do you all remember when Jules blogged about Working Out With Kids? Well, guess what?! It turns out, it's not really as fun as she makes it out to be! Couch potatoes of the world, laugh with me!

During our reunion, I got to witness this lovely scene:

Ok, so now you've seen the truth. Let's all nod and try to keep a straight face when she mentions exercise and children in the same sentence again, deal? 

Easy Rule #6618: What we are calling a "temper tantrum" Jules will optimistically call "resistance weight." Sigh. Maybe she wins after all.


  1. I'm convinced there is nothing Julia cannot accomplish. No matter what life throws her way, she smiles and is happy. Way to go!!!

  2. Kelley Pritchard ColeAugust 21, 2014 at 11:49 AM is so good to hear your voice! I miss you!

  3. Aww! I miss you too!:) hope all is well!
